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Exploring Creation

I believe that God literally spoke the universe into existence through Jesus Christ. I believe that this took place in the six creation days of the Bible, as described in Genesis, but I also believe that this is not a blind faith, but that the creation model best explains everything that is observed. Man is the crown of creation, and God created man in His image. Our creative nature is a very important part of that image.

I am intensely interested in the creative human mind, and especially relating to the way in which my artwork develops. Coming in contact with many artists from all over the world, I have found that my creative technique differs very much from all other artists that I know.

 The Ongoing Creative Process of the Creator of the Universe:

To illustrate, let me use an example out of my beloved Africa that I have often experienced:
I sit in the African bush under a tree overlooking a well-used game trail. I am enjoying the dry heat of a winter’s afternoon, while drinking in the sounds, textures and changing hues and colors as the sun moves across the sky.
Nothing in nature, untouched by man, is ever out of balance. Have you ever noticed that colors always match - whichever way you look there is always a balanced composition - nothing is ever out of place!

I am looking at an exquisite piece of artwork - constructed out of the most varied conglomeration of materials. And the incredible thing - no matter what the perspective, the quality of the art does not diminish. Go microscopic - and the abstract art you see is unmatched in the best museums in the world. Go into outer space, and the landscape I am looking at disappears into the jewel that is our home.

While meditating on the wonder of God's creation, a movement catches my eye. An elephant bull comes walking by on the path. The regal movement of his body belies the speed and stealth with which he moves through his domain. It is hard to imagine that such a large animal can move so quietly through the bush.

As he walks by, his trunk reaches into a tree, and with a deft twist, he plucks a branch and lays it across his tusks. Almost gingerly, he fingers it with the tip of his trunk, and then lifts the branch into his mouth, and crunches down onto it with his molars while twisting and moving the branch. Crunch - twist - move; crunch - twist - move, until the bark is loosened along the length of the branch. Then it is again laid across his tusks, and his 'fingers' deftly removes the bark and piles it on the inside 'table top' of his curled trunk. Once he has a good pile of juicy bark, he nonchalantly discards the now almost white branch, without spilling a single piece of bark. He then gingerly feeds himself off the 'table' with the morsels he has collected.

Once he has passed, I again survey the landscape. Something has changed. A whitened branch has been dropped into what is a well trodden game track, with nothing more than some weathered bits and pieces of twigs and bark from previous animals passing the same route over thousands of years. Before - there was a perfect artwork. Nothing was out of place. It was as it should be. Now - with no creative spark in his little brain - the elephant has contributed to the artwork, and it is no better, nor worse, but for those with eyes to see - it is still beautiful - but different. The Master Artist of the universe has used a unique medium to adapt a small part of His artwork for my pleasure. Over the next days, and months, and years, he will use other mediums to continue the process. He will use termites to sculpt the branch into and artwork in its own right bar none. He will use microscopic organisms to slowly break it down. The sun and rain and wind will weather it down more. Until the pathway will again contain nothing more than some twigs and bits of kindle. But at any time throughout this process, it will never cease to be an artwork that the best artists in this world can only try to emulate, without ever being able to get there.

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