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Kobus Möller was born in Rhodesia in 1949. Being born into a naturally artistic family, Kobus embarked on his career in 1990 and uses his raw talent to express his love for nature and God in the form of breathtaking works of art.


His works have been exhibited at international art galleries in Africa, Europe, China and the United States.In his years as a professional artist, Kobus has been published in Swedish, American, German, and South African publications and his artwork has been vastly promoted in feature articles published in over 50 international magazines. Of these, at least 30 of his works have appeared on cover pages. He has also been the recipient many prestigious awards.

Kobus Möller

Demonstrating his commitment to the source of his inspiration, Kobus contributes paintings to fundraiser auctions on an annual basis, where the proceeds are generously donated to wild life conservation. The appreciation and praise of his talent and that which it produces are dedicated to the glory of God.

This compilation of some of his finest works displays both new and older pieces in the form of originals and giclees.  Classified as a true investment in art, Kobus' work is internationally sought after for display in home, corporate, and museum environments.

Kobus Möller's work witnesses to a total commitment. He is enthralled by creation as it is manifested in his beloved Africa. Immersing himself into a complete experience of the sights, sounds, smells, and even the scratches and itches of thorns and insects, he is passionately driven to have all his senses saturated with the essence of Africa.

Inspired by the greatest ARTIST of all time, the CREATOR of the universe, Kobus is in a constant struggle to perfect the art of defining his awe of creation by combining the synergy of his experiences in the bush with the widest possible variety of use of his chosen media. Emphasizing that each element involved carries equal weight in its own right, he gently persuades the entire process into a unity, thereby giving 'life' to the animals in his work. In creating a relationship between tangibility and sight, his technique combines light, line, texture and form on canvas. Every painting uncompromisingly expresses his honest emotion and inherent love for nature, and eventually for God who created it all for our gratification.

Kobus entices the observer’s imagination to discover nature as it is. In his own words he challenges each of us: "May you pause to carefully observe the rock on which you stubbed your toe, the thorns that scratched you and the dry grass that caused your skin to itch. May you develop an appreciation for the beauty of the simple things, and may you re-discover the awesome gift of sight."

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